The 10 original ways to announce your pregnancy

The 10 original ways to announce your pregnancy

The announcement of a happy event is an important and unique moment. To do this, Cache Coeur offers you the 10 original ways to announce your pregnancy.

# 1 Involve the big brother or the big sister

You can give a sign to the future big brother or the future big sister or simply dress him up with a nice message.

Some ideas for messages:

- I'm going to be a big brother (big sister), but I don't know it yet because I can't read

- Only child, expiry date ...

- A to do list with the mission "become a super big sister»

- I was promoted to big brother

# 2 the treasure hunt

You can organize a small treasure hunt with one clue that leads to another and then another to ultimately find the treasure which can be whatever you want.

Some treasure ideas:

- Your ultrasound

- Your pregnancy test

- Baby clothes


# 3 the shopping list

You make a shopping list by slipping baby necessities inside and then send your loved ones shopping. Surprise guaranteed.

Some ideas :

- Wipes

- A body

- Layers

- A bottle

# 4 The newspaper ad

Do your relatives read the newspaper? Perfect ! Place a classified ad, circle it, and give them the newspaper.

# 5 The accessory


You can also give personalized gifts to your loved ones with little messages like "you are going to be a dad», « the family will grow" or "see you in 9 months ».

Some ideas :

- A puzzle

- A mug that only reveals the message when it's hot

- A blanket, slippers or a pacifier

# 6 Gluttony 

Are your loved ones greedy? So make them discover your pregnancy with cookies personalized by you. You can also opt for the Chinese cake or the chocolate egg.

# 7 The scratch ticket

Give a winning scratch ticket to your loved ones. They will then have to scratch a square to see what they have won. You can then slip a message in this box such as "you are going to be a dad" or "the family is growing" or "1+1=3 ».

# 8 the pea

In a gift package, you put the food that matches your baby's height with a message that says "I'm that big".

Size correspondence:

- Week 5 with sesame seed

- Week 6 at grain of rice

- Week 7 in blueberry

- Bean week 8

- Week 9 in cherry

- Week 10 grape

- Week 11 in fig

- Week 12 with lime

# 9 the photo

You can also take a picture, frame it and offer it as a gift to announce your pregnancy.

Photo ideas:

- Take a picture of yourself and in your shadow add belly

- Line up your family's shoes and add small slippers

- Draw or write a message on your stomach such as "loading»With a loading bar

# 10 Get your animal involved

Take a photo of your pet with a message announcing your pregnancy.

Photo ideas:

- A sign that says "future baby sitter »

- A photo with the ultrasound

- A photo with books about babies

We hope to have given you some good ideas for announcing your happy event. You can find our lines of maternity lingerie as well as our bolas, swimwear and breast pads on our sites: and